
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Color Theory Presentation

This version is Blogger-approved, but laggy like no other.  Try using the mirror and hit fullscreen.


Behold the power of Adobe Flash. This one is more high res and you can click through it at your own pace.

Some Terminology:

COLOR: general term for the qualities of hue, intensity, and value observed in pigment or light.
HUE: the name of a color, such as red, blue, green....

range of color
CHROMA: intensity, strength, or saturation of color, distinguishing the chromatic colors from black and white.
SATURATION: degree of vividness of a hue from its concentration; used synonymously with chroma.
More Saturation---------Less Saturation 
VALUE: range from light to dark, including white, grays, and black; colors can be evaluated on this scale. Values are often numbered on scales of 0 to 10. In one system 0 - black and 10 - white; another system reverses the designations and has 0 for white and 10 for black. Generally, high values are considered to be light, and low values dark.
COLOR WHEEL: divided or sectioned circle with colors in a spectrum effect.
COLOR TRIAD: three colors spaced an equal distance apart on the color wheel, such as red, yellow & blue or orange, green & purple.
COMPLEMENTARY COLORS: colors directly opposite each other on the color wheel such as blue & orange, red & green, yellow & purple.
SPLIT COMPLEMENT COLORS: use of the colors on each side of a complementary color.
PRIMARY COLORS: (artists) red, yellow, blue (printing inks) magenta, cyan, yellow
SECONDARY COLORS: orange, green and purple, made from mixing the primaries: red and yellow make orange, blue and yellow make green, and red and blue make purple.
TETRADS: color harmonies based on four colors; using every fourth color; the tetrads on the Prang color wheel; yellow-orange, red, blue-purple, and green; orange, red-purple, blue, and yellow-green; red-orange, purple, blue-green, and yellow.
TERTIARY COLORS: in contemporary usage, the intermediate colors are considered tertiaries: yellow-orange, red-orange, red-purple, blue-purple, blue-green, and yellow-green; in early color theory, the mixture of the secondary colors created a tertiary, as green mixed with orange, orange mixed with purple, and purple mixed with green

 Direct link here.

Sources used: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Resources Used: [Prezi] [Screencast-o-Matic] [Jaycut]  Props to free, web based applications.


C4M said...

This movie is very good. I like the animation to it. You need to cut down the time though. Your movie is over 4 minutes long and it needs to be 1:20 at most. Other than cutting down the time it is very good.

K8y16 said...

your movie is very good and it covered all the parts necessary and more :) like Cam said, i think you should cut down the time. Otherwise very creative and to the point.

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