
Monday, December 13, 2010

Not quite a square.

Project Description: Do Ligatures, Stacked Text, Figureground Reversal, Symbol Replacement to practice Illustrator skills for the logo project.
New Skills: 
    • Ligatures
    • Stacked Text
    • Figureground Reversal
    • Symbol Replacement
    • Move Anchor Point
    • Outline View
    • Live Trace
    • Place JPEG
    • Divide
    • Group
Self Reflection:
It's irritating how my final products don't fit together like a compact minimalist shape... if only, if only.  Also, I finished it before I was shown the ampersand reversal artbook, but I'll try my hand at that some other time.  It was remarkably difficult to to do entire words of symbol replacement.  In case you can't tell, it's coexist, Pokemon, cookie and Asian.  I'm a giant geek, I know.  

Participation/Project: 10/10?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Insert Enthusiasm Here

Project Description: Do VectorDiary 8-12.
New Skills: 
  • Crayon, of which I draw crappy pears with
  • Creating Brushes
  • Shapes + Brushes
  • Blend Setting
  • Grouping Layers
  • Compound Paths
  • Stroke
  • Brushes
  • Gradient
  • Fill with Pattern
  • An Unwavering Enthusiasm for Adobe Illustrator.  Yay.
Self Reflection:
W-w-w-wrath on the pear.  YES TO THE SHAPES; NO TO PEN TOOL.  It's 8:23 and I haven't had coffee.  Can't self reflect.  Can't function.  Ahhh.  Edit: Now I have a cold but Tylenol has made me surprisingly lucid.  I can't quite remember doing this one, but I remember being extremely frustrated with the pear and button overlay.  Everything else was easy enough, like creating brushed, pattern fills, blending modes, compound paths and "spa" daisies (really?).   Fun times, fun times.

Participation/Project: 10/10?