
Monday, November 1, 2010

Chicken Soup for the ADD Mind

Before you go to the next one, open up this link.  Go ahead, I'll wait.


Yes.  YES.  Props to Strauss and his ridiculously named Also Sprach Zarathustra. 
New skills: I guess pen tool, though I absolutely hate it.  Pathfinder, shapes, fills, pencil and gradient too, but mostly, I learned to abhor the pen tool.  Seriously, can I just go back to Photoshop?  Illustrator isn't my cup of tea.
Self reflection: Well. for one, everything was just hard. The key took forever until I just did an okay curve with the pen tool and copy/pasted like crazy to get it over with.  The pencil tool is alright, the hands took me a while, and the four leaf clover was easy thanks to the ever handy ctrl+c and ctrl+v.  PC ftw, I'm pretty sure 30% of my time was wasted since my control functions didn't work and I had to turn to the dark side (command, ugh).  Some of the functions in the tutorial just didn't translate whatsoever... rage.  Well, I spent one or two days on the whole intro so I could go do the spaceship, which looks infinitely better than some random shapes on an artboard that I did without trace.  The ship turned out well, but the introduction days (a) frustrated me and (b) are saved in a low quality JPEG, but eh.
Participation/Product: 9/9; I didn't know about trace at the time.  Que sera sera.  (Kind of) freehanded it.


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