
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Logo Design

This logo conceptually arose from my desire for a logo that employed three dimensions.  However, while good as a sketch and as an idea, I had neither to Illustrator skill or the conviction to execute such a complex logo.  Thus, it underwent very little development because it was so exhausting just to do one.  I was faced with new challenges - perspective, especially - and I was tasked with moving the logo from some sort of dimensional surrealism to the traditional sense of perspective.  I was planning to take this logo further, modifying it with rounded corners and then shifting perspective into an equivalent x,y,z plane as one sees in mathematics (example and inspiration here), but due to time constraints and lack of general skill in Illustrator, such plans proved too ambitious.

This logo is one that, in my opinion, is simple and minimalist, which is what I was going for.  I appreciate the bold, striking contrast of the lettering.  Also, as you ma have noticed, I'm an avid fan of Harabara because of its clean lines and textual/typographic flow.  For this one, I experimented with lots of Helveticaesque fonts before deciding on this specific path; Museo 900 was another serious consideration.  Another thought was given to the placement of the first name, (a) whether it should be vertical or horizontal (b) if vertical, in the L, I or which part of N and (c) if horizontal, in the botton of the L or perhaps use negative space or (d) angle it down the slope of the N.   After looking over the options, I finally decided on this.  I was also considering using a Gapesque logo, with just my name and a square filled with blue gradient, just because.

This last one is probably my favorite as it lacked the agonizing effort of the first and employs even more Harabara, if possible. The arrowlike quality of the shape my name is in is actually composed of a lowercase Harabara V and L.  Again, the striking boldness and simplicity of the lines is something I appreciate.  Also, for both this logo, I decided not to match it with the black background because brown and black clash (alas, color choices) so just click on the image to get a clearer view.

*The brown backgrounds were originally supposed to white/invisible but were changed to light brown to match.